Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Minding My Ps and Q

I’m late. Again. The 2013 year-end accounting was due yesterday, at year’s end. 

Yet, now that I’m retired, who can be upset if I’m late with an assignment? However, I did dream early this morning that my last, and best, boss was displeased with my work. (Sorry to disappoint, Kelly, even in my sleep.)

But, I digress from the 2013 accounting. Last year was the Chinese year of the snake, but we did not slither south to North Carolina. Mark and I came on four wheels with great anticipation, some apprehension, and a lifetime of possessions, memories, and friendships.

Yes, we were anxious, but also anxious to start the next phase of our lives and marriage.

I, of course, had a list of what I was looking forward to in retirement. That long-ago year in library school wasn’t totally lost on me.  I have a classification system. It’s based on the letter “P” as I wrote about in an earlier post (Oct. 3, 2013).

The diminishing Backyard Mountains
Five months into retirement, here’s the scorecard:

People.  We followed good friends to our new hometown. They, and other friends, are steps away. We like the town and the area. We like our friends even more. As our neighbor says, “People are more important than place.”

Puppy. Our 12-year-old dog is thriving here with her large yard, small number of stairs, and newfound freedom with a dog door. She also has a nearby swimming hole and a neighbor she adores.

Physical fitness.  I’m swimming (pool), riding my bike (pedaling), going to yoga (Pilates is close), and working with a personal trainer to get in shape to live long and actively. For another P – paddling – my husband gave me a kayak for Christmas (a sweet Santee 116 Sport). I’m also enjoying the freedom from being in an office five days a week and the newfound physicality of living on an acre. For one, I’m shrinking our backyard mountains and creating my first woodpile. It certainly is satisfying – no blazing insight here – to see visible evidence of your labor.

What about this year, the year of the horse? Are there more Ps ahead? My husband and I will focus on people and places as we take our “A to Z” road trip, with stops at the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge 
and Zion National Monument as we travel to see family and friends in Texas and California.

Photo courtesy Aransas National Wildlife Refuge

And, yes, we will see the Pedernales River on our way to Palm Springs.

Purpose. That’s a P that I want to add in 2014. I miss doing work that matters – contributions that make a difference in the well being of others. Now that we’re more settled, and healthier, it’s time to find volunteer opportunities in our new community.

As for that Q, I wrote before that “P is for Pause.”  I need to get much better about pausing and appreciating and about being quiet and calm. I have much to learn about living in the moment. Moments may just be all we have. If I can do that, well, for this list-making type-A individual that would be momentous. 

Here’s to moments, and many more fun, loving, and special ones with family and friends in 2014.

Happy new year and happy trails.

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